Sunday, November 8, 2015


I've changed Starburst and Nebula a bit. I added some extreme silver to Starburst and some gold, copper and silver to Nebula. Here they are from the front and at an angle.
Starburst ©Suzanne LeBeau 2015

Starburst side view ©Suzanne LeBeau 2015

Nebula ©Suzanne LeBeau 2015

Nebula side view ©Suzanne LeBeau 2015

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Late October

This has been a busy month for me. I did these two on Sat, October 24. We always try to have some of our artists painting during the Harvest Days at Cannonsburgh Historic Village in Murfreesboro. The Murfreesboro Art League is at the back of Cannonsburgh.
Just Hangin' Out - watercolor by Suzanne LeBeau

So Glad - watercolor by Suzanne LeBeau

new pieces

I have 5 new abstract pieces I've done in the past 3 weeks.
Gold Splash by Suzanne LeBeau (the gold foil does not show well.)

Abstract Reflections in Time by Suzanne LeBeau

Horseshoe by Suzanne LeBeau (will be hung diagonally)

Starburst by Suzanne LeBeau

Nebula by Suzanne LeBeau

Monday, June 8, 2015

It's been a long time!

Due to working multiple jobs and teenage sons, I haven't posted on here in a while. My goal over the summer is to update some of the paintings on here and let you know what I've been up to in my life. I've started taking oil painting lessons and watercolor lessons. I THOUGHT I was getting pretty good at painting, but now it turns out I'm basically starting over. Here's a little (8x10) oil I'm working on. This was taken with my not-so-smart phone, so it's a bit blurry, but you can get the idea.